
Folk Group Roztocze – a cultural ambassador of Poland

It all started in 1980, specifically on February 13th, when the first audition for creating the group took place. The day before Valentine's Day, in the group of daughters and sons of Tomaszów land in the spirit of the local patriotism, the love was born for cultivating the dances and songs flowing from their hearts. From the very beginning, even though the members of the group have been changing, one thing stays the same – the LOVE for dancing and singing, nonetheless the attachment and willingness to cultivate the culture of the region.

Nowadays, the group counts 180 members who practice in 7 dance groups and 2 music bands and perform 5 national dances: kujawiak, oberek, polonez, mazur and krakowiak and around 50 choreographies from all the subregions of Poland. All of the above-mentioned dances are performed in dedicated costumes, which are stored in 3 costumeries. Besides the mentioned costumes, the group possesses an enormous amount of materials connected with the regional culture such as props and local instruments which are used during different performances in Poland as well as abroad.

Putting the rich repertoire aside, it is not the dances, songs and costumes that make this group unique and distinguish it from the others, it is the atmosphere of respect, kindness and understating which is almost legendary. Thanks to this, some say that the group has become a second family and will always have a place in their hearts, reminding them of all the wonderful moments they spent together.

Just because, recently the 40th anniversary brought together hundreds of dancers who came from all over the world. Three concerts were performed to respond to the interest of the audience. This closed one chapter of this wonderful journey and was the point of departure to the new one. The group continues the mission of raising the youth in respect for the traditions and embracing them with care and compassion.

What about being the ambassador? “Sometimes, I have the impression that the group has better recognition abroad than in its hometown,” says Mrs Stanisława Kowalska, the co- founder, instructor, director and choreographer of the group. It is so due to multiple journeys all around the world representing Poland and the region in various folklore festivals, contests and events. The group visited 3 continents during more than 150 trips, becoming the symbol of Poland for the ones who saw their performances.


+48 84 664 44 51


Siedziba Stowarzyszenia Roztocze

ul. Lwowska 72, 22-600 Tomaszów Lubelski